How to use
Iwasaki Hotels Common Accommodation Coupon
How to use
Available facilities
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03Available facilities

Facilities where you can use the common accommodation coupon

It can be used for stays at four Iwasaki Hotels facilities.

Ibusuki Iwasaki Hotel
Tanegashima Iwasaki Hotel
Tanegashima Golf Resort
Yakushima Iwasaki Hotel

For inquiries regarding use, please click here

Iwasaki Sangyo Co.,Ltd Sales Department +81-99-239-8666
Ibusuki Iwasaki Hotel +81-993-22-2131
Tanegashima Iwasaki Hotel +81-997-26-6888
Tanegashima Golf Resort +81-997-27-7888
Yakushima Iwasaki Hotel +81-997-47-3888
Iwasaki Sangyo Co.,Ltd Sales Department +81-99-239-8666
Ibusuki Iwasaki Hotel +81-993-22-2131
Tanegashima Iwasaki Hotel +81-997-26-6888
Tanegashima Golf Resort +81-997-27-7888
Yakushima Iwasaki Hotel +81-997-47-3888


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